Shopping for Curves

I’ve had some great opportunities recently to work with some amazing ladies, but that hasn’t kept me from my other love: internet window shopping! This month I discovered the fantastic Simply Be, an online store full of fashionable clothes and gorgeous lingerie for curvier ladies.


This Anna Scholz lace basque caught my eye immediately. Its three panel style, with sheer sides and bold center, will highlight all of your best curves. The light boning is great for contouring your figure and boosting your confidence. Just imagine how that rich green will pop during your session when you are stretched out over fresh white linens.


Another great piece is this sassy slip by Gok Wan. It also comes in slate, black and white, but I’m particular to this blush. Don’t underestimate how sexy and flattering a simple design like this can be. A pair of nude stockings and pearls to transform this simple foundation piece into sexy, sexy powerhouse.

Nude stockings: 1 | 2 | 3
Pearl strands: 1 | 2 | 3